
Birthday! Mood - 4

***lithium 1200 mg - they lowered me from 1500 awhile ago because of blood tests
***risperdone 1mg - helps me not kill myself. Gets rid of my suicidal urges/thoughts.

(2010 wasn't even recorded in here. I was stable the whole year. Tried to find a job to no avail, made new friends, spent time with family and friends, went to Vegas in December with my cousin and mom, kept in good touch with J.)

Today was a good day! The best part was getting some good news from Immigration regarding James. March 10, 2011 is his interview date at the London Consulate. I couldn't have gotten a better gift for my birthday today.

Saw the girls for dinner. All 4 of them. Talked to Michal on the phone. Talked to my sister too. Got a bunch of birthday wishes on facebook. Made a lunch date with an old friend.

Oh, and my dad has promised not to give us a hard time when James is here. He stated that he respects us very much because he knows that we really love each other.

That makes me happy.

I'm still lazy as hell. Not sure when I'm going to snap out of it. Don't want to blame my pills, but it crosses my mind. Or the illness. I don't want to blame that either, but that one seems to be the one to blame.

Have been pretty stable for the past year. I'm going to try and write in here more often to keep better track of my moods. I still have this underlying feeling of being low. I don't get high at all...but still stable. Wish I had more energy.


1/8/11-never stop taking my pills/anniversary

It was James and my 7 year Anniversary today.
It made me happy to think of our Anniversary all day today.
Brought back good memories. Gives me a lot of pride to know that we're still together.
Especially after all that we've gone through these past years.

I'm looking forward to us living together again. I miss him very much, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to get through the rough times. I know it won't be easy when he arrives. He needs to find a job. We need to live under the same roof as my parents. We need to make sure this disease doesn't get the best of us. Most importantly, I need to NEVER STOP TAKING MY PILLS.

I saw my friends today. I spent time on the webcam with James. It has been a full day. I'm lucky.